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2024 Annual Meeting

Zoom Information

Zoom Events and eTickets

The conference will take place through the Zoom Events platform. The first step is to register for the conference. When you register for the conference, you will receive an eTicket to the email associated with your conference registration. This ticket will be your gateway into programming, so please save it for your records. Every ticket creates a unique URL that is linked to your account. Other users will not be able to join the event using your link. If you did not receive an eTicket, please contact Lisa Palko at for assistance.

You can only join the event with the Zoom account associated with the email you used to register for the conference.

You must download the Zoom app on your computer or mobile device before joining the event. (Please note that neither the Zoom web browser nor dialing into Zoom by phone are supported.) Instructions for downloading and creating a Zoom account are below. Instructions for downloading and creating a Zoom account are below, as well as FAQs about using and troubleshooting Zoom Events.

Instructions for entering the event and joining rooms from your computer:

  1. To enter the event, click the blue “Join” link in the e-ticket you received by email upon registering. You will not be able to enter the event before the start time at 11 AM EST on Monday, June 17th. 
  2. You will be directed to a “Join Event” page. Click the blue “send code” link to receive and then enter a verification code. 
  3. After entering this verification code, you can click the “Join Event” link. You will be directed to the event lobby. 

To join an event from the Zoom mobile app:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom mobile app.
  2. Click the Meetings tab, then find and click the Upcoming Zoom Events that you want to join.

Attendee Information

During the event, the moderators will let you know when it is possible to unmute your microphone to ask questions or engage in discussion. Otherwise, all microphones will be muted by the moderator while presenters are speaking. We ask that you remain muted unless you are actively presenting or engaged in one of the facilitated discussions.

Attendees will be muted during the Keynote Address, Invited Panel, and Invited Presentation sessions, but we encourage you to ask questions using the Q&A function. 

There will be multiple rooms available to join during the poster and flash talk sessions and Ask Me Anything sessions. You may attend one room for the entire time or move between rooms during these sessions. To see the poster, flash talk, and Ask Me Anything tracks, please see 

(This information will also be available in the Zoom Event conference listings during the conference.) 

Additional Information for Invited Speakers (e.g., keynote, panelists, AMAs)

We ask that you please join your event room 5-10 minutes early so we can do a tech check. 

The Zoom Events Lobby 

In the Zoom Events Lobby, you may: 

  • Chat with other attendees 
  • If enabled by event hosts, watch livestream videos of the most occupied room.  
  • If enabled by event hosts and your account administrator, join lobby chat
  • Explore information about sessions and speakers
  • Explore information about sponsors
  • Report unwelcomed behavior
  • Receive messaging outlining the reasons why the lobby is closed

Zoom Account Creation Instructions

  • To sign up for your own free account, visit the Zoom sign-up page and enter the email address associated with your conference registration.
  • You will receive an email from Zoom (
    • In this email, click Activate Account
    • You can sign in to your Zoom account on the web at any time, at
  • Once you’re logged in, use the panel on the left side to navigate the Zoom web portal. You can update your profile, schedule a meeting, edit your settings, and more.

Zoom Download Instructions

Joining Zoom Events FAQ

Are there any differences when joining Zoom Events from a mobile device versus a desktop computer?

You can join an event from your mobile device or desktop computer’s web browser. However, how you will join a session depends on the type of device you joined the event from:

  • Mobile device: When joining a session, you will be taken to the Zoom mobile app to attend the session. You can also join from the mobile web browser.
  • Desktop web browser: When joining a session, you will stay in the web browser to attend the session.

Technical Issues:

Please address any questions, comments, or technical issues that arise during the conference to Emma Wolfe at or Lisa Palko at or text Emma Wolfe at 301-466-5679.